Trust Matters  
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Irrevocable Burial Accounts (IBA) are accounts set up for the sole purpose of providing funds for an individual’s funeral and burial expenses. These funds are not considered as assets in determining eligibility for SSI (Supplemental Security Income) or Medical Assistance. IBAs are subject to specific dollar limitations, typically between $7,500.00 and $10,000.00, although counties or states often have required limits.

Benefits of an IBA

  • No possibility of state escheatment
  • No possibility of funeral home malfeasance
  • Can be used to pay any funeral home
  • No minimum funding limits
  • Low, straightforward fees
  • No complicated application forms

An IBA with RCFS

Funds are deposited by sending checks made payable to River Communities Fiduciary Services, Inc. with “IBA for individual’s name” written on the memo line of the check. Funds are deposited in money market accounts and quarterly statements are provided.
If you would like to establish an account, please fill out the form below or call us at (724) 385-8492.
To learn more about Irrevocable Burial Accounts: visit “What Is An Irrevocable Burial Account?”

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Need Help?

Our team has extensive experience in trust administration, social services, and government benefits. We can help you preserve and manage your assets and find human services and supports. 

Contact RCFS
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The information and materials provided on this website, specifically “Trust Matters”, are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute legal, financial, or tax advice. Any content on this website should not be relied upon as a substitute for advice from a professional fiduciary or other qualified financial or legal professional….
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